Outlet items
Get all outlet items
Returns all outlet items of the enterprise that were consumed (posted) or will be consumed within the specified interval. If the Currency
is specified, costs of the items are converted to that currency. Note this operation uses Pagination and supports Portfolio Access Tokens.
Property | Type | Contract | Description |
| string | required | Token identifying the client application. |
| string | required | Access token of the client application. |
| string | required | Name and version of the client application. |
| array of string | optional, max 1000 items | Unique identifiers of the Enterprises. If not specified, the operation returns data for all enterprises within scope of the Access Token. |
| array of string | optional, max 1000 items | Unique identifiers of the Outlet items. If not specified, the operation returns data for all Outlet items within scope of the Access Token. |
| optional, max length 3 months | Interval in which the Outlet item was consumed. Required if no other filter is provided. | |
| optional, max length 3 months | Interval in which the Outlet bill was updated. | |
| optional, max length 3 months | Interval in which the Outlet bill was closed. | |
| string | optional | ISO-4217 code of the Currency the item costs should be converted to. |
| required | Limitation on the quantity of data returned. |
Property | Type | Contract | Description |
| array of Outlet item | required | The outlet items. |
| array of Outlet bill | required | The outlet bills of the items. |
| string | optional | Unique identifier of the last and hence oldest outlet item returned. This can be used in Limitation in a subsequent request to fetch the next batch of older outlet items. |
Outlet item
Property | Type | Contract | Description |
| string | required | Unique identifier of the item. |
| string | required | Unique identifier of the Enterprise. |
| string | required | Unique identifier of the Outlet bill the item belongs to. |
| string | optional | Unique identifier of the Accounting category the item belongs to. |
| required | Type of the outlet item. | |
| string | optional | Name of the item. |
| integer | required | Unit count of the item. |
| required | Unit amount of the item. | |
| string | required | Date and time of the item creation in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format. |
| string | required | Last update date and time of the item in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format. |
| string | required | Date and time of the item consumption in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format. |
| string | optional | An identifier of this item from another system. |
| string | optional | Additional notes. |
| string | optional | Unique identifier of the payment card |
Outlet item type
Outlet bill
Property | Type | Contract | Description |
| string | required | Unique identifier of the bill. |
| string | required | Unique identifier of the Enterprise. |
| string | required | Unique identifier of the Outlet where the bill was issued. |
| string | optional | Number of the bill. |
| string | required | Date and time of the bill closure in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format. |
| string | required | Last update date and time of the bill in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format. |
| string | optional | Additional notes on the bill. |
Last updated