
Deprecations are features of the API which you are discouraged from using, even though they may still be supported for a period of time for the sake of backwards compatibility. Such features are normally deprecated because they are superseded by a better alternative. They can include object properties, entire objects or entire API operations. The list of deprecations is as follows. Individual items are also highlighted in the Changelog when they occur. Historic deprecations that have already been discontinued may not be listed. For more information, see our Deprecations Policy.

Important: We strongly advise you to review this list and if you are using any of the deprecated items in your integration, to update your implementation accordingly.

The table columns have the following meanings:

  • Feature - What entity or feature is being deprecated

  • Comments - Additional information, such as the reason for the deprecation and what the replacement is

  • Deprecated - The date at which the deprecation notice was given (see the Changelog)

  • Discontinued - The date at which it is planned to discontinue support completely; a value of '-' indicates no date has been set

Deprecated operations


Replaced by Set restrictions

21 Jun 2024

10 Jan 2026

Replaced by Clear restrictions

21 Jun 2024

10 Jan 2026

Get all reservations (ver 2017-04-12)

23 Jun 2023

10 Jan 2025

23 Jun 2023

10 Jan 2025

19 Apr 2023

10 Jan 2026

Replaced by Merge accounts

01 Dec 2022

10 Jan 2025

Get all companies by name

Replaced by Get all companies

01 Jan 2020


Get all bills by Id

Replaced by Get all bills

01 Jan 2020


Get all bills by customer

Replaced by Get all bills

01 Jan 2020


Get all closed bills

Replaced by Get all bills

01 Jan 2020


Get all credit cards by Id

01 Jan 2020


Get all credit cards by customer

01 Jan 2020


Get all reservations by Id

01 Jan 2020


Get all reservations by customer

01 Jan 2020


Get all reservations by numbers

01 Jan 2020


Get all customers by Ids

Replaced by Get all customers

01 Jan 2020


Get all customers by emails

Replaced by Get all customers

01 Jan 2020


Get all customers by name

Replaced by Get all customers

01 Jan 2020


Deprecated properties


Method, RedirectUrl in Add alternative payment

8 May 2024


Replaced by ScheduledEndUtc and ActualEndUtc

19 Apr 2024


Extent RateGroups in Get all rates

2 Feb 2024

10 Jan 2026

Name in Product

Replaced by Names

12 Dec 2023

ExternalName in Product

Replaced by ExternalNames

12 Dec 2023

ShortName in Product

Replaced by ShortNames

12 Dec 2023

Description in Product

Replaced by Descriptions

12 Dec 2023

EditableHistoryInterval in Get configuration and Get all enterprises

Replaced by AccountingEditableHistoryInterval and OperationalEditableHistoryInterval

5 Dec 2023

TaxIdentifier in Close bill

Replaced by AccountTaxIdentifier

21 Nov 2023

CompanyTaxIdentifier in Close bill

21 Nov 2023

Address in Close bill

Replaced by AccountAddress

21 Nov 2023

CompanyAddress in Close bill

21 Nov 2023

CompanyId in Get all bills

Replaced by AssociatedAccountIds

21 Nov 2023

CompanyDetails in Get all bills

21 Nov 2023

Extent ResourceCategoryAssignments in Get all resources

1 Nov 2023

10 Jan 2025

Extent ResourceCategoryImageAssignments in Get all resources

1 Nov 2023

10 Jan 2025

Extent ResourceFeatures in Get all resources

1 Nov 2023

10 Jan 2025

Extent ResourceFeatureAssignments in Get all resources

1 Nov 2023

10 Jan 2025

Extent VoucherCodes and Companies in Get all vouchers

23 October 2023

10 Jan 2025

Extent in Get all bills

20 October 2023

10 Jan 2025

Replaced by ScheduledStartUtc and ActualStartUtc

6 Sep 2023


BillCounters, ProformaCounters, BillPreviewCounters, ServiceOrderCounters, RegistrationCardCounters in Get all counters

Replaced by Counters

21 Jun 2023

CustomerId in Add external payment

Replaced by AccountId

24 May 2023

CustomerId in Add order

Replaced by AccountId

24 May 2023

CustomerId in Bill

Replaced by AccountId

24 May 2023

Extent ResourceCategories in Get all resources

23 May 2023

10 Jan 2025

Address in Enterprise

Replaced by AddressId

17 Apr 2023

10 Jan 2025

AmountDefault in Payment item

Replaced by Original amount

11 Apr 2023

AssigneeData in Get all bills

Replaced by Owner data

20 Feb 2023

ItalianFiscalCode, ItalianLotteryCode in Get all bills

Retrievable in LegalIdentifiers Bill customer data

20 Feb 2023

10 Jan 2025

Address in Company

Replaced by AddressId

18 Jan 2023

10 Jan 2025

BasePrices in Get rate pricing

Replaced by BaseAmountPrices

18 Jan 2023

Replaced by AmountPrices

18 Jan 2023

Fetch data per corresponding Event discriminator

23 Aug 2022


Replaced by FirstTimeUnitStartUtc and LastTimeUnitStartUtc

29 Jun 2022


Replaced by FirstTimeUnitStartUtc and LastTimeUnitStartUtc

24 Jun 2022


Replaced by PersonCounts and Age category

11 Feb 2022


Replaced by TimeUnitPeriod

08 Feb 2022


DatesUtc in Get rate pricing

Replaced by TimeUnitStartsUtc

08 Feb 2022


Rebated in Bill options

02 Feb 2022


CompanionIds in Reservation

Replaced by operation Get all companionships

03 Mar 2021


Replaced by Sex

29 Sep 2020


TimeFilter, StartUtc, EndUtc in Operations using deprecated time filters

Replaced by CreatedUtc, UpdatedUtc, etc. as per operation description

19 Aug 2020


TraveAgencyId in Reservation

Replaced by TravelAgencyId

05 Aug 2020


CategoryId in Customer


02 Jul 2020


TimeUnitCost in Reservation

Replaced by TimeUnitPrices

17 Jul 2019


TaxIdentificationNumber in Company

Replaced by TaxIdentifier

25 May 2018


ChannelManagerId in Reservation

Replaced by ChannelManagerNumber

14 Dec 2016


ApplyCancelationFee in Reservation

Replaced by ApplyCancellationFee

Prior to 2021


Replaced by TotalAmount

Prior to 2021


BirthDateUtc in Customer

Replaced by BirthDate

07 Jun 2017


Passport in Customer

Replaced by Document object in Documents part of response

Prior to 2021


IdentityCard in Customer

Replaced by Document object in Documents part of response

Prior to 2021


Visa in Customer

Replaced by Document object in Documents part of response

Prior to 2021


DriversLicense in Customer

Replaced by Document object in Documents part of response

Prior to 2021


ExpirationUtc in Document

Replaced by Expiration

07 Jun 2017


IssuanceUtc in Document

Replaced by Issuance

07 Jun 2017



Prior to 2021



Prior to 2021


TaxRate in Currency value


Prior to 2021


Object UnitCost in Get all accounting items

Replaced by Amount

Prior to 2021


Operations using deprecated time filters

Operations using deprecated gender

Deprecated functionality


Websocket authentication using URL query parameters

Changed to use cookies instead, which is more secure

06 Jan 2021


WebSocket Space event

Replaced by Resource event

21 Sep 2020


Last updated