
3rd July 2024

24th June 2024

18th June 2024

17th June 2024

10th June 2024

5th June 2024

4th June 2024

3rd June 2024

  • Updated the maximum size of time interval for Rates and Services from 24 months to 60 months if service's TimeUnitPeriod is Month.

28th May 2024

24th May 2024

23rd May 2024

21st May 2024

15th May 2024

9th May 2024

8th May 2024

19th April 2024

12th April 2024

12th March 2024

5th March 2024

1st March 2024

26th February 2024

21st February 2024

15th February 2024

12th February 2024

2nd February 2024

1st February 2024

26th January 2024

  • Extended Rule response object with ServiceId, this affects the following operations:

24th January 2024

  • Extended Get all rates with filtering parameter ExternalIdentifiers.

  • Extended Get all vouchers with filtering parameter ExternalIdentifiers.

  • Fixed description (documentation only, no changes in API functionality) of Get all reservations (ver 2023-06-06):

    • Renamed PartnerCompanyId from CompanyId in the property list.

    • Added QrDataCode and CancellationReason to the response.

    • Removed EnterpriseId from the response (it was never part of the response).

23rd January 2024

22nd January 2024

19th January 2024

16th January 2024

15th January 2024

Last updated