API Operations

This section describes all operations supported by the API, organised here by theme.




Merges two or more accounts of the same account type together

Updates one or more existing accounts, i.e. customer, company

Uploads a file and links it to the specified account

Returns all addresses associated with the specified accounts within the enterprise

Adds a new address to the system and assigns it to a specified account

Updates an existing address in the system assigned to a specified account

Deletes selected addresses

Returns all the account notes associated with the specified accounts within the chain

Adds new account notes to the system and assigns it to specified accounts

Updates existing account notes

Deletes selected account notes




Returns configuration of the enterprise and the client

Returns all countries supported by the API

Returns all currencies supported by the API

Returns all tax environments supported by the API

Returns all taxations supported in tax environments

Returns all languages supported by the API

Returns translations of texts in the specified languages

Returns URLs of the specified images




Returns all customers filtered by identifiers, emails, names and other filters

Searches for customers that are active at the moment in the enterprise, e.g. companions of checked-in reservations or paymasters

Adds a new customer to the system and returns details of the added customer

Updates personal information of a customer

Attaches the specified file to the customer profile

Returns all identity documents for the specified customers

Adds new identity documents

Updates specified identity documents

Deletes specified identity documents

Deletes all identity documents for the specified customers

Device integration



Returns all devices in the enterprise

Returns all commands the are still active from the client application point of view

Returns all commands by their identifiers

Adds a new printer command representing printing of the specified document on a printer

Adds a new key cutter command representing cutting of a key for the specified reservation

Restricted! Adds a new Mews Payment Terminal command

Updates state of a command




Returns all enterprises accessible to a supplied access token

Returns all company profiles of the enterprise, possibly filtered by identifiers, names or other filters

Adds a new company to the enterprise

Updates information of the company

Deletes selected companies

Returns all contracts between the enterprise and other companies

Adds new company contracts to the enterprise

Updates selected company contracts

Deletes selected company contracts

Returns all departments of an enterprise associated with the connector integration

Returns all counters of an enterprise associated with the connector integration

Returns all outlets of an enterprise associated with the connector integration

Returns all resources of an enterprise associated with the connector integration

Updates details of the resources

Returns all resource blocks (out of order blocks or internal use blocks)

Adds a new resource block to the specified resource for a defined period of time

Removes specified resource blocks from the resources

Adds a new task to the enterprise, optionally to a specified department

Returns all tasks of the enterprise, filtered by identifiers or other filters

Returns all resource categories of an enterprise associated with the connector integration

Returns all resource category assignments of an enterprise associated with the connector integration

Returns all resource category image assignments of an enterprise associated with the connector integration

Returns all resource features of an enterprise associated with the connector integration

Returns all resource feature assignments of an enterprise associated with the connector integration




Restricted! Returns all exports filtered by their unique identifiers

Restricted! Create a pending export




Returns all available exchange rates among currencies of the enterprise

Returns all cashiers in the enterprise

Returns all cashier transactions created within the specified interval

Returns all accounting categories of the enterprise associated with the connector integration

Updates specified accounting item

Returns all bills, possibly filtered by customers, identifiers and other filters

Creates new empty bill assigned to specified account

Restricted! Updates account assignments of one or more open bills

Removes selected bills

Closes a bill so no further modification to it is possibles

Creates a PDF version of the specified bill

Returns all outlet items of the enterprise that were consumed (posted) or will be consumed within the specified interval

Returns all credit cards, possibly filtered by identifiers, customers or other filters

Creates payment for specified customer credit card and charges the credit card via a gateway

Adds a new tokenized credit card to the specified customer

Returns all preauthorizations of specified customers

Adds a new credit card payment to a bill of the specified customer

Adds a new external payment to a bill of the specified customer

Adds a new alternative payment to a specified customer

Returns all payments, filtered by various parameters

Returns all payment requests

Adds new payment requests for specified customers

Cancels specified pending payment requests

Adds new outlet bills with their items

Returns all order items

Refunds a specified payment




Returns all loyalty programs of the enterprise

Adds new loyalty programs

Updates selected loyalty programs

Deletes selected loyalty programs

Returns all loyalty memberships of the enterprise

Adds new loyalty memberships

Updates selected loyalty memberships

Deletes selected loyalty memberships

Returns all loyalty tiers of the enterprise

Adds new loyalty tiers

Updates selected loyalty tiers

Deletes selected loyalty tiers

Customer messaging



Get all message threads that you have created

Creates a new message thread on behalf of the specified customer

Get all messages belonging to the specified message threads

Add the specified messages to the specified message threads




Returns all reservations specified by filters

Returns prices of reservations with the specified parameters

Adds the specified reservations as a single group

Updates information about the specified reservations

Marks all specified reservations as Confirmed

Marks a reservation as Started (checked in)

Marks a reservation as Processed (checked out)

Cancels all reservation with specified identifiers

Updates customer of a reservation

Updates reservation interval (start, end or both)

Adds a customer as a companion to the reservation

Removes customer companionship from the reservation

Adds a new product order of the specified product to the reservation

Restricted! Returns all sources associated with a reservation

Returns all sources associated with a reservation group

Returns all possible reservation sources

Returns all reservation groups, filtered by unique identifiers and other filters

Routing rules



Returns all routing rules of the enterprise

Adds new routing rules

Updates selected routing rules

Deletes selected routing rules

Service orders



Returns all product service orders

Returns all notes associated with the given service orders

Adds service order notes to a given service order

Updates content of given service order notes

Deletes given service order notes




Returns all services offered by the enterprise

Restricted! Returns selected availability and occupancy metrics of a bookable service in the specified time interval

Returns availability of a bookable service in the specified interval

Updates the number of available resources in the specified resource category by a certain amount

Returns all availability blocks filtered by services, unique identifiers and other filter

Adds availability blocks which are used to group related availability updates

Updates information about the specified availability block

Delete availability blocks

Get all availability adjustments

Returns all rules applied with the reservations

Returns all business segments of the default service provided by the enterprise

Returns all rates (pricing setups) of the default service provided by the enterprise

Adds new rates to the enterprise

Restricted! Adds new or updates existing rates

Deletes specified rates

Returns prices of a rate in the specified interval

Updates price of a rate in the specified intervals

Returns all rate groups filtered by rate groups or other filters

Returns all restrictions of the default service provided by the enterprise

Adds new restrictions with the specified conditions

Clears restrictions which meet specified conditions over a specified time interval

Creates a new order with the specified products and items

Returns all companionships based on customers, reservations or reservation groups

Returns all resource access tokens based on resource access tokens, reservations or interval

Adds new resource access tokens with the specified data

Updates resource access token validity intervals and permissions

Delete specified resource access tokens

Returns all rate vouchers filtered by service, voucher code or voucher identifier

Adds new vouchers with the specified data

Updates information about the specified vouchers

Delete vouchers

Returns all voucher codes filtered by voucher or other filters

Adds new voucher codes to the voucher

Delete voucher codes

Returns all age categories filtered by service

Restricted! Returns all cancellation policies filtered by services, rate groups and other filters

Restricted! Returns cancellation policies for enterprise grouped by reservation

Restricted! Returns cancellation policies for enterprise grouped by rate

Returns all products filtered by services or product identifier

Deletes specified products

Restricted! Returns prices for a product for a specified time interval

Updates product price for a given interval

Returns all products filtered by services or product category identifier

Restricted! Returns all service overbooking limits

Restricted! Adds new service overbooking limits with the specified conditions

Restricted! Clears service overbooking limits which meet specified conditions over a specified time interval

Last updated

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