Changelog 2020

26th November 2020

20th November 2020

  • API: Made ConfigurationId parameter in Create reservation group endpoint required.

  • API: Added ConfigurationId parameter to Get availability endpoint.

  • API: Previous variant of sending HotelId without ConfigurationId to these endpoints was deprecated.

  • General: Stopped support for hotel/enterprise ids in URL and in the configuration of a javascript client.

  • General: Configuration ids are now the only supported way to setup Distributor.

28th August 2020

22nd June 2020

  • API: Added section describing payment card support.

  • API: Improved PaymentGatewayData description.

  • API: Removed deprecated payment gateways.

  • API: Improved CreditCardData description.

  • API: PR 36

  • Widget: Updated info about payment gateways and payment card storages.

  • Widget: PR 36

18th June 2020

  • API: Removed AlwaysIncluded field from Product (PR37). In order to pre-select a product during a booking, you can use IncludedByDefault field.

22nd April 2020

  • API: Added following sections: Configuration, Theme, City, PaymentCardInput, RequiredField, Enterprise and Address.

23rd March 2020

  • Widget: Added guide for conditionally firing tags based on tracking consents.

20th March 2020

  • Widget: Added tracking consents integration.

18th March 2020

  • API: Added close() FE api description.

4th March 2020

  • API: Added SendMarketingEmail field to Booker.

3rd March 2020

  • API: Added enums for RateGroups section and some minor improvements.

26th February 2020

  • API: Added documentation for hotels/getPaymentConfiguration.

  • API: Deleted old/legacy payments/getPaymentGateway.

Last updated