Availability blocks
Get availability blocks
Get details of the availability blocks for the given hotel. This operation can be called initially to fetch data which may be important during the booking workflow. Availability blocks can restrict your booking engine's calendar to specific intervals defined by StartUtc
and EndUtc
in the response, it also gives you RateId
that should be used.
Property | Type | Contract | Description |
| string | required | Identification of the API client, as described in Authorization. |
| string | required | Unique identifier of the hotel (enterprise). |
| array of string | required | Set of unique identifiers of the Availability Blocks for which you want to get the details. |
Property | Type | Contract | Description |
| string | required | Provided ID of availability block. |
| string | required | Name of availability block. |
| string | required | Unique identifier of Service to which availability block is assigned |
| string | required | Unique identifier of Rate which is intended for this availability block |
| string | required | Availability block start date (validity start date) in ISO 8601 format. |
| string | required | Availability block end date (validity expiration date) in ISO 8601 format. |
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