
Get hotels

Get hotels data for a single specified hotel. This operation can be called initially to fetch data which may be important during the booking workflow.



    "Client": "My Client 1.0.0",
    "HotelId": "3edbe1b4-6739-40b7-81b3-d369d9469c48"


    "Languages": [
            "Code": "en-US",
            "Name": "English (United States)",
            "DefaultCulture": {
                "CurrencyDecimalSeparator": ",",
                "CurrencyGroupSeparator": "."
    "Currencies": [
            "Code": "CZK",
            "Symbol": "Kč",
            "ValueFormat": "#,##0 \"Kč\";−#,##0 \"Kč\"",
            "DecimalPlaces": 0,
            "SymbolIsBehindValue": true
    "Countries": [
            "Code": "CZ",
            "Name": "Czech Republic"
    "ImageBaseUrl": "",
    "Id": "3edbe1b4-6739-40b7-81b3-d369d9469c48",
    "Name": {
        "en-US": "Distributor api hotel"
    "Description": {
        "en-US": ""
    "CityId": "e5fd108e-1e0a-4cc4-9d3a-34d7e0e57527",
    "ImageId": "87ead9b6-8c96-4b3c-a90d-fb8a02a005ad",
    "IntroImageId": "c0dcec83-96a4-44b5-a898-de2becbbdb5e",
    "DefaultLanguageCode": "en-US",
    "DefaultCurrencyCode": "EUR",
    "DefaultRateCurrencyCode": "EUR",
    "SupportedLanguageCodes": [
    "AcceptedCurrencyCodes": [
    "RoomCategories": [
            "Id": "d79fa529-d95e-485e-b81b-e8a669a1062a",
            "Name": {
                "en-US": "King Double Room"
            "Description": {
                "en-US": "The double rooms have two separate beds, 2 x 105 wide."
            "Ordering": 4,
            "NormalBedCount": 2,
            "ExtraBedCount": 0,
            "SpaceType": "Room"
    "Products": [
            "Id": "4fd0e6e0-101c-410d-8c12-ad6000b7e390",
            "Name": {
                "en-US": "Breakfast"
            "Description": {},
            "CategoryId": "77e0a18c-f2a5-418f-b578-16d3599c059d",
            "ImageId": null,
            "IncludedByDefault": false,
            "Pricing": {
                "Discriminator": "Absolute",
                "Value": {
                    "CHF": {
                        "Currency": "CHF",
                        "GrossValue": 108.31,
                        "NetValue": 98.46,
                        "TaxValues": [
                                "TaxRateCode": "CZ-L",
                                "Value": 9.85
                    "EUR": {
                        "Currency": "EUR",
                        "GrossValue": 100,
                        "NetValue": 90.91,
                        "TaxValues": [
                                "TaxRateCode": "CZ-L",
                                "Value": 9.09
            "ChargingMode": "PerTimeUnit",
            "PostingMode": "PerTimeUnit",
            "Ordering": 1
            "Id": "5d6de830-8ada-4b65-b72c-60fc1e719f1b",
            "Name": {
                "nl-NL": "Extra bedlinnen",
                "en-US": "Extra bedlinnen (Once Off)"
            "Description": {},
            "CategoryId": "77e0a18c-f2a5-418f-b578-16d3599c059d",
            "ImageId": "ec643f33-cd6c-4250-accd-518182165ffe",
            "IncludedByDefault": false,
            "Pricing": {
                "Discriminator": "Relative",
                "Value": {
                    "ProductIds": [],
                    "TaxRateCodes": [
                    "Multiplier": 0.05,
                    "Target": "GrossValue"
            "ChargingMode": "Once",
            "PostingMode": "Once",
            "Ordering": 0
    "PaymentGateway": {
        "PaymentGatewayType": "PciProxy",
        "IsMerchant": true,
        "SupportedCreditCardTypes": [
        "PublicKey": "1100016827"
    "TermsAndConditionsUrl": "",
    "IanaTimeZoneIdentifier": "Europe/Budapest",
    "Email": "",
    "Telephone": "+",
    "AdditionalLegalStatements": [],
    "Address": {
        "Line1": "Staromestske namesti 16",
        "Line2": "",
        "City": "Prague",
        "PostalCode": "11000",
        "CountryCode": "US",
        "Latitude": null,
        "Longitude": null

The returned list of products contains only the products associated with the first bookable service in the list of services of this enterprise.





Localized text

A localized text is an object of the property values localized into languages supported by hotel, indexed by language codes.

Payment gateway

If the hotel does not use any payment gateway, the value is null. If it does, then you should use a specific API call and the gateway’s library to encode credit card data. The main purpose of a payment gateway is to securely obtain the credit card of the customer before a reservation is created. You can decide not to support any of them and just ignore it, in which case reservations are created with a note about missing credit card.

Payment card storage type

  • PciProxy

Credit card type

  • MasterCard

  • Visa

  • Amex

  • Discover

  • DinersClub

  • Jcb

  • Maestro

  • ...


Pricing coproduct

Pricing data discriminator

Relative price data value

Relative price target

  • GrossValue - The price of the product should be calculated from gross value of dependant products

  • TaxValue - The price of the product should be calculated from tax value of dependant products

  • NetValue - The price of the product should be calculated from net value of dependant products

Product charging mode

  • Once

  • PerTimeUnit

  • PerPersonPerTimeUnit

  • PerPerson

Product posting mode

  • Once

  • PerTimeUnit

Multi-currency amount

An object where name corresponds to ISO code and value represents a structure that holds gross price, net price and tax values.

            "GrossValue": 100.00,
            "NetValue": 93.46,
            "TaxValues": [
                    "TaxRateCode": "DE-R",
                    "Value": 6.54

Tax value

Room category

Space type

  • Room

  • Dorm

  • Bed

  • ...

Get availability

Get availability and pricing options for the specified hotel for the specified date interval. Further optional parameters can be supplied, such as room categories and voucher codes. The availability and pricing is returned for each applicable combination of occupancy and rate, for each available room category.



    "Client": "My Client 1.0.0",
    "ConfigurationId": "5dfgaeb5-5848-81b3-40b7-d102e96kcf52",
    "HotelId": "3edbe1b4-6739-40b7-81b3-d369d9469c48",
    "StartUtc": "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "EndUtc": "2015-01-03T00:00:00Z",
    "ProductIds": [
    "CurrencyCode": "EUR",
    "VoucherCode": "Discount2042",
    "OccupancyData": [
            "AgeCategoryId": "47ae3dbb-0de6-4afd-845b-af4900c21e2c",
            "PersonCount": 2
    "CategoryIds": [
    "AvailabilityBlockId": "5mgbe1b4-6739-40b7-81b3-d369d9469c48"

Occupancy Data


    "RateGroups": [
            "Id": "634d4625-e127-4282-a17d-ab51010e4deb",
            "SettlementType": "Manual",
            "SettlementAction": "ChargeCreditCard",
            "SettlementTrigger": "Start",
            "SettlementOffset": "P0M0DT0H0M0S",
            "SettlementValue": 1.00000000,
            "SettlementFlatValue": null,
            "SettlementMaximumTimeUnits": null
    "Rates": [
            "Id": "c1d48c54-9382-4ceb-a820-772bf370573d",
            "Name": {
                "en-US": "Rate"
            "Description": {
                "en-US": "Best rate available."
            "IsPrivate": false
    "RoomCategoryAvailabilities": [
            "RoomCategoryId": "4037c0ec-a59d-43f1-9d97-d6c984764e8c",
            "AvailableRoomCount": 5,
            "RoomOccupancyAvailabilities": [
                    "AdultCount": 1,
                    "ChildCount": 0,
                    "OccupancyData": [
                            "AgeCategoryId": "47ae3dbb-0de6-4afd-845b-af4900c21e2c",
                            "PersonCount": 1
                    "Pricing": [
                            "RateId": "c1d48c54-9382-4ceb-a820-772bf370573d",
                            "Price": { },
                            "MaxPrice": { }
                    "AdultCount": 2,
                    "ChildCount": 0,
                    "OccupancyData": [
                            "AgeCategoryId": "47ae3dbb-0de6-4afd-845b-af4900c21e2c",
                            "PersonCount": 2
                    "Pricing": [
                            "RateId": "c1d48c54-9382-4ceb-a820-772bf370573d",
                            "Price": {
                                "TotalAmount": { },
                                "AverageAmountPerTimeUnit": { }
                            "MaxPrice": {
                                "TotalAmount": { },
                                "AverageAmountPerTimeUnit": { }

Rate group

Settlement type

  • Automatic

  • Manual

Settlement action

  • ChargeCreditCard

  • CreatePreauthorization

Settlement trigger

  • Confirmation

  • Start

  • End

  • StartDate

  • EndDate


Room category availability

Room occupancy availability


Room price

Get payment configuration

Fetch payment configuration parameters for the specified hotel.



    "Client": "My Client 1.0.0",
    "HotelId": "3edbe1b4-6739-40b7-81b3-d369d9469c48"


    "PaymentGateway": {
        "PaymentGatewayType": "PciProxy",
        "PaymentCardStorageType": "PciProxy",
        "IsMerchant": true,
        "SupportedCreditCardTypes": [
        "PublicKey": "1100116614",
        "DefaultCurrencyCode": "EUR"
    "SurchargeConfiguration": {
        "SurchargeServiceId": "74d5eb0a-784a-4870-b34a-ab6500a1136e",
        "SurchargeFees": {
            "MasterCard": 0.02,
            "Visa": 0.01,
            "Amex": 0.0125

Surcharge configuration

Surcharge fees

Last updated