Booking Engine integrations
The steps for a Booking Engine API integration are as follows:
If you have questions about the process, drop us a line to
Step 1: Exploration
Explore the Booking Engine Guide and familiarize yourself with the API guidelines and operations. Not sure if the API is the right option? See Booking Engine Guide ways to integrate.
Please note that connection to the Booking Engine API is only available to Mews customers with Enterprise packages.
Step 2: Registration
Once you're sure you want to develop against the API, please register your client name and other details with Mews, as described in Booking Engine API authorization. To do so, send an email to like the following example. In the meantime, you can start working with the API straight away using the sample client name, as described in Booking Engine API authorization.
Registration emailDear Mews support,
We would like to register the following client for Booking Engine access:
Client name: <insert your client name here>
Contact email: <insert your contact email address here>
Environments: <insert Demo and/or Production here>
Step 3: Development
You can connect to our Demo environment to try out API operations, using your registered client name. Until your client name is registered, you can use the sample client name. All of the information you need to start developing and testing is in the Booking Engine Guide.
Step 4: Production
Finally, when your development & testing is complete, you can switch over to the Production environment and you're all done, no certification needed! Note we support separate client name lists for the two environments, so make sure you are registered for the Production environment.
Last updated
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